| Platz für Programme. Skripts die Dokumente erzeugen |
| Platz für alternative Konfigurationsdateien |
| Platz für Icons z.B. für von http erzeugte Dir-Listings |
| Platz für Log-Dateien des Servers |
| Hilfsprogramm für Shell-Skripts in cgi-bin/ zum Zerlegen von Formulareingaben |
| dito, zum Erzeugen von HTTP-Headern |
| Hilfsprogramm zum Pflegen von Paßwort-Dateien |
| Programm zur Verarbeitung von Image-Map-Dateien |
| Das Server Programm |
| Die aktuelle Konfigurationsdatei |
| Wird von httpd angelegt, um seine PID zu speichern |
Die Konfiguration des CERN httpd erfolgt weitgehend über die Konfigurationsdatei httpd.conf
z.B. General Settings:
ServerRoot /usr/local/www
HostName www.fh-wedel.de
ServerType StandAlone
Port 80
Siehe auch das Beispiellisting.
Normaler Start
Start über inetd
Rule File
Protection Setup File
Access Control List (ACL) file
Password File
Group File
Dieses Listing ist die leicht verkürzte Ausgabe des zentralen WWW-Servers der HHU (Uni-Düsseldorf).
# # Configuration file for cern_httpd on hermes.rz.uni-duesseldorf.de # # IMPORTANT: # Default values are in {curly braces} values that you need to # provide are in <angle brackets>, but braces and brackets are # *NOT* part of the syntax! # # See: # http://www.w3.org/hypertext/WWW/Daemon/User/Config/Overview.html # # for more information. # # # *** GENERAL SETTINGS/DIRECTIVES *** # ServerRoot /usr/local/www HostName www.uni-duesseldorf.de ServerType StandAlone Port 80 PidFile httpd-pid UserId www GroupId wwwadms Protection PROXY-PROT { ServerId Proxy.rz.uni-duesseldorf.de Mask @(*.uni-duesseldorf.de, 134.99.*.*, *.fh-duesseldorf.de, 193.23.168.*, 193.23.169.*, 193.23.170.*, 193.23.171.*, 192.166.32.*) } Protect * PROXY-PROT # # Pass the URLs that this proxy is willing to forward. # Pass http:* Pass ftp:* Pass gopher:* # Default protection for own documents: public to anyone # Protection NO-PROT { ServerId WWW.rz.uni-duesseldorf.de Mask @(*, *.*.*.*) } Protect /* NO-PROT Protection UNI-FH { ServerId www.rz.uni-duesseldorf.de GetMask @(*.uni-duesseldorf.de, 134.99.*.*, *.fh-duesseldorf.de, 193.23.168.*, 193.23.169.*, 193.23.170.*, 193.23.171.*) } Protection UNI { ServerId www.rz.uni-duesseldorf.de GetMask @(*.uni-duesseldorf.de, 134.99.*.*) } Protect /WWWAdmin/* { UserId cappel GroupId wwwadms AuthType Basic ServerId www-admins.uni-duesseldorf.de PasswordFile /usr/local/www/admin/wwwadmins.passwd GroupFile /usr/local/www/admin/groups GetMask wwwadmins@(*.uni-duesseldorf.de, 134.99.*.*) } Protect /WWW/UniFH/* UNI-FH Protect /WWW/Uni/* UNI Protect /WWW/ZCL/Uni/* UNI # #Enable {GET HEAD POST} #Disable {all others} #IdentityCheck {Off} #Welcome {Welcome.html welcome.html index.html} #AlwaysWelcome Off UserDir public_html #MetaDir {.web} #MetaSuffix {.meta} #MaxContentLengthBuffer {50 K} # # *** URL TRANSLATION RULES *** # #Redirect /some_url/* http://some_server/some_url/* Exec /htbin/* /usr/local/www/htbin/* Exec /cgi-bin/* /usr/local/www/cgi-bin/* Exec /WWWAdmin/cgi-bin/* /www/WWWAdmin/cgi-bin/* Map /www/d/* /WWW/D/* Pass /icons/* /usr/local/www/icons/* Pass /ftp/* /ftp/* Pass /* /www/* # # *** FILENAME SUFFIX DEFINITIONS *** # #AddType <.suffix> <representation> <encoding> [<quality>] #AddEncoding <.suffix> <encoding> #AddLanguage <.suffix> <encoding> #SuffixCaseSense {Off} # # *** ACCESSORY SCRIPTS *** # #Search <search_script_pathname> #Post-Script <post_handler_pathname> #Put-Script <put_handler_pathname> #Delete-Script <delete_handler_pathname> # # *** DIRECTORY LISTINGS *** # DirAccess Selective #DirReadme {Top} #FTPDirInfo {Top} #DirShowIcons {On} #DirShowBrackets {On} #DirShowMinLength {15} #DirShowMaxLength {25} #DirShowDate {On} #DirShowSIze {On} #DirShowBytes {Off} #DirShowHidden {Off} #DirShowOwner {Off} #DirShowGroup {Off} #DirShowMode {Off} #DirShowDescription {On} #DirShowHTMLTitles {On} #DirShowMaxDescrLength {25} #DirShowCase {Off} # # *** DIRECTORY ICONS *** # #AddIcon <icon_url> <alt_text> <url_template> #AddBlankIcon <icon_url> <alt_text> <url_template> #AddUnknownIcon <icon_url> <alt_text> <url_template> #AddDirIcon <icon_url> <alt_text> <url_template> #AddParentIcon <icon_url> <alt_text> <url_template> # # *** LOGGING *** # (relative to ServerRoot if doesn's start with slash) # AccessLog /var/log/http/http.log #ProxyAccessLog /var/log/http/proxy.log CacheAccessLog /var/log/http/http_cache.log ErrorLog /var/log/http/http.error LogFormat Common #LogTime {LocalTime} #NoLog <url_template> # # *** TIMEOUTS *** # #InputTimeOut {2 mins} #OutputTimeOut {20 mins} #ScriptTimeOut {5 mins} # # *** PROXY CACHING *** # # # Enable caching, specify cache root directory, and cache size # in megabytes # Caching On CacheRoot /wwwcache CacheSize 1900 M # # Specify absolute maximum for caching time # CacheClean 2 months # # Specify the maximum time to be unused # CacheUnused http:* 2 weeks CacheUnused ftp:* 1 week CacheUnused gopher:* 1 week # # Specify default expiry times for ftp and gopher; # NEVER specify it for HTTP, otherwise documents generated by # scripts get cached which is usually a bad thing. # CacheDefaultExpiry ftp:* 10 days CacheDefaultExpiry gopher:* 2 days NoCaching http://gopher.rz.uni-duesseldorf.de/* NoCaching http://www.rz.uni-duesseldorf.de/* NoCaching http://www.uni-duesseldorf.de/* NoCaching http://ftp.uni-duesseldorf.de/* NoCaching http://*.rz.uni-duesseldorf.de/* #CacheOnly <url_template> #CacheDefaultExpiry <url_template> <time_period> #CacheLastModifiedFactor <factor>/<Off> #KeepExpired {Off} #CacheTimeMArgin <time_period> #CacheNoConnect {Off} #CacheExpiryCheck {On} #Gc {fn(Caching)} #GcDailyGc <time>/<Off> #GcMemUsage {500} #CacheLimit 1 {200 K} #CacheLimit 2 {4000 K} #CacheLockTimeOut <fn(>OutputTimeOut)> # # *** HANDLING MULTIPLE PROXIES *** # #HTTP proxy <outer_proxy_server> #FTP proxy <outer_proxy_server> #Gopher proxy <outer_proxy_server> #WAIS proxy <outer_proxy_server> #no proxy <outer_proxy_server>