
Kolloquiums-Vortrag: "On human actions"

Am 11. November hält Dr. Ing (PhD) Volker Krüger den Vortrag "On human actions", ab 17 Uhr in Hörsaal 5. Krüger referiert auf Englisch, die anschließende Diskussion kann auf Wunsch in Deutsch stattfinden.

Zum Vortrag:

Humans are very good in interpreting other humans' actions. Humans learn from watching each other, they interpret other's intentions and they can even predict what other humans might do. To mimic this capability is attractive for many technical systems: In surveillance and in smart homes, video systems can be used for scene interpretation. In medical systems, human action recognition can be used for rehabilitation applications. And in the context of robot control, teaching-through-demonstration and human-robot collaboration are receive strong research interest.

Major challenges in human action recognition include the recognition from different viewing directions, actions with different scales and parameters and the importance of context. According to neurobiological evidence actions at different complexity level are composed out of action primitives similarly to human speech being composed out of phonemes.

In this lecture Krüger will first present a non-supervised approach for learning action primitives and corresponding stochastic grammars based on video-based observations. For learning the primitives, we will make use of the duality between human actions and their effect on the context. Based on the learned primitives and grammars, we can then recognize the action: Here, we will discuss our approach of "tracking in action space", which treats 3D body tracking and action recognition as a joint problem. Classical Bayesian propagation over time will be used for solving the tracking problem in realistic video data.


Zum Referenten:

Volker Krueger received the MSc. degree in Computer Science in 1996 at the University of Kiel, Germany and his Ph.D. degree (Dr. Ing.) at the University of Kiel, Germany in 2000 for the thesis on Gabor wavelet Networks for image processing. Dr. Krueger spent his post-doc time with Rama Chellappa at the University of Mayland as a research sicentist in the Human-ID project.

Since 2002, Dr. Krueger is Associate Professor at Aalborg University in Denmark. Since 2007, he is head of the computer vision and machine intelligence group (CVMI) at the Copenhagen Inst. of Technology, Aalborg University, in Copenhagen. Over the last 14 years, Dr. Krueger has worked in the field of video processing, anaylsis and recognition. His current research interest focusses on human action modeling and understanding. Dr. Krueger serves as co-editor for the Int. J.  Current Development in Theory and Applications of Wavelets.


In Kürze

Was: Englischer Vortrag "On human actions"

Wann: Mittwoch, 11. November, 17 Uhr

Wo: in Hörsaal 5