
Kolloquium: Studying at HAAGA-HELIA

Am 5. Juni berichtet der Dozent Arvo Lipitsäinen von unserer Partnerhochschule in Helsinki. Der Vortrag beginnt um 17 Uhr in Hörsaal 5 und ist auf Englisch.

Zum Vortrag:

HAAGA-HELIA is the largest university of applied sciences in Finland with more than 10.000 students including over 1.000 international students from 91 countries. To them and to the staff of partner universities it offers excellent exchange opportunities. The main campus of HAAGA-HELIA is located in Helsinki. Other campuses are situated in other Southern Finland cities.

HAAGA-HELIA provides courses in Finnish and English in the fields of business, information technology, tourism, hotel and restaurant management, sport and leisure, management assistant education, journalism and vocational teacher education both on bachelor and master level. The synergies between those different fields have inspired new tracks and solutions in HAAGA-HELIA.

The Information Technology study program offers bachelor and master level education in Finnish and English. In the bachelor study program the students are able to specialize either in web application development or in the business IT consultancy. The focus of the master program is on improving the students' skills in managing business driven ICT development projects and ICT services in international environment.

Zum Referenten:

Arvo Lipitsäinen has graduated M.Sc. (Eng.) at University of Oulu in 1979. He has experience in various tasks in the software industry in Finland and Germany. As Senior Lecturer in the Information Technology department at HAAGA-HELIA, he has taken part in teaching, developing, researching and authoring in the domains of software development, internet and semantic technologies, mobile applications, enterprise architectures and cloud computing.

Arvo Lipitsäinen presents HAAGA-HELIA for all subjects in general and study opportunities in the Information Technology program in particular.

In Kürze:

Was: Kolloquium "Studying at HAAGA-HELIA"
Wann: 05.06.2013, 17 Uhr
Wo: Hörsaal 5
