
Kolloquium: 'Bioinformatics: What is it about and where should be the limits?'

Christoph Kröger, Master-Student der Wirtschaftsinformatik, referiert am 14. November 2012 zum Thema Bioinformatics: What is it about and where should be the limits?. Der Vortrag beginnt um 17 Uhr in Hörsaal und ist auf Englisch.

The lecture:

Christoph Kröger gives a survey on the field of bioinformatics. This offers promising field of application for computer scientists and engineers. He opens a series of seminar talks. The other talks are given on November 21 and December 6 in the seminar of Prof. Iwanowski. This pilot talk applies to all semesters of computer science and engineering study courses and does not require any prerequisites.

The talk is given in English due to international participation.

In Kürze:

Was: Bioinformatics: What is it about and where should be the limits?

Wann: 14.November, 17 Uhr

Wo: Hörsaal 5