
Excellent graduates

On September 26th, the University of Applied Sciences, Wedel, celebrated the graduation of 103 Bachelors and Masters. To be exact, 58 received a German diploma, 39 a Bachelor of Science and six a Master of Science. In total, 13 graduates hold a honours degree; one even graduated with "distinction". At the vocational school "PTL Wedel", 16 students finished their professional programme. The development association "Wedeler Hochschulbund e.V." gave 12 graduates special awards for their excellent achievements.

The academic respectively the professional future of the graduates is secured. More than 75 percent of the graduates with a diploma had already signed a contract with a company prior to the graduation ceremony. Also, 50 percent of the bachelors already had a job. More than 40 percent of the last group intend to continue their studies with a Master's programme.

In the Master's programme "Computer Science", Timo Hübel and Sebastian Schlatt received an award for their outstanding development of the "Holumbus Frame Work". The "Holumbus System" (on the internet: holumbus.fh-wedel.de) serves as frame work for the construction of special search engines. Als case study, the two software developers designed the search engine "Hayoo!" (http://holumbus.fh-wedel.de/hayoo/hayoo.html). Through good configuration opportunities, this search engine makes an effective and target-oriented search in free texts in structured data such as HTML/XML documents as well as books and magazine articles possible. The system was programmed with the functional language Haskell.

Helga Karafiat, graduated in Media Computer Science, was awarded for her thesis "Support Vector Machine for Gender Recognition through Visualisation of the Learning Process". This project belongs to the area of "Automatic Learning". "Gender Recognition" means the determination of the gender of presented people by letting "intelligent" algorithms analyse pictures. Helga Karafiat used the adaptive algorithm of the "Support Vector Machine" which is based on very complex mathematical methods. Additionally, she developed a programme in order to visualise this mathematical problem in a plausible way.

Björn Klockow, graduates in Business and Computer Science, analysed in his thesis "Accounting Strategies in SEM - Situation Analysis, Target, Concept and Application (presented through the example of the Otto Group GmbH & Co. KG)". The result is a method through which search terms determined by Google can be analysed and optimised. By using various accounting methods offered by Google search terms can be better matched with search queries. The analysis aims at booking key words in a way that they generate a maximum turnover and minimal costs.

At the vocational school "PTL Wedel", Alexander Hohendorf, Assistant for Business and Computer Science, recevied an award for the thesis "IT Steps 24 Documentation System - a web based Application for the Management of client relevant Information". Hohendorf developed a software for the management of client relevant information. By using it, projet relevant information can be saved through meta contents. In order to navigate through the client and project structure, you can use a user surface similar to the Windows Explorer. Furthermore, there exists a search function for certain documents and meta contents.

                                             (Astrid Dose, University of Applied Sciences, Wedel)

For further questions, please contact:

Astrid Dose
University of Applied Sciences, Wedel
Head of PR
Phone: 0049-4103-8048-50
Fax: 0049-4103-8048-39
Mail: do@fh-wedel.de
URL: www.fh-wedel.de